Nandamuri Narasimha Balakrishna is on a roll with an impressive lineup of films, creating immense excitement among his fans. Among these projects, the much-awaited...
The much-anticipated Pan India film "OG," directed by Sujeeth and starring Power Star Pawan Kalyan alongside young actress Priyanka Mohan, has recently commenced its...
Global star Ram Charan’s highly anticipated pan-India film "Game Changer," directed by the legendary Shankar, features Kiara Advani and Anjali as the lead heroines....
"Nandamuri Balakrishna is currently working on the 109th film of his illustrious career, directed by the talented young filmmaker Bobby. The movie, which is...
Nandamuri Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna is teaming up with director Kolli Bobby for an exciting project, which is Balayya's 109th movie (NBK 109). Fans are...
It is known that Nandamuri Balakrishna and director Bobby are collaborating on a new movie. Recently, Thaman shared some insights about this project, stating,...
"Pan-India rebel star Prabhas is starring in the highly anticipated movie 'The Raja Saab,' promising a treat for fans. The recent glimpses have garnered...
Nandamuri Balakrishna and director Bobby are collaborating on an upcoming movie, and it appears that the climax sequence is currently being filmed at a...
Nandamuri Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna stars alongside Bollywood actors Urvashi Rautela and Bobby Deol in his highly anticipated 109th film. After a brief pause, the...