Tollywood’s legendary hero, Megastar Chiranjeevi, takes the lead role alongside Trisha in the much-anticipated movie Vishvambhara, directed by Vasishtha. Initially slated for release on...
Tamil star hero Suriya's much-awaited film Kanguva hit the screens amid high expectations. Directed by Siva, a prestigious filmmaker, the movie was made with...
A highly anticipated Pan-India film from Kollywood, Kanguva, starring Suriya and directed by Siva, is generating buzz across the country. Disha Patani plays the...
"Maate Vinadhuga Vinadhuga" a cool song from Taxiwala. Vijaya Devearkonda, Priyanka Jawalkar, and Malavika Nair are the main leads of this film. We all...