The highly anticipated pan-India movie Tandel, directed by Chandoo Mondeti and starring Akkineni Naga Chaitanya alongside Sai Pallavi, has already garnered significant buzz. Adding to the excitement, the first single composed by rock star Devi Sri Prasad received an overwhelming response, setting the tone for the film’s music.
To date, the makers have unveiled three songs from the movie, and all of them—Bujji Thalli, Namo Namah, and the latest Hailesa—have turned into massive hits. Each track has resonated strongly with audiences, earning widespread praise and establishing themselves as chartbusters. Fans have hailed all three songs as extraordinary hits, and the anticipation to experience these musical gems on the big screen is at an all-time high.
Produced by Geetha Arts 2, Tandel is gearing up for a grand pan-India release on February 7th, promising an unforgettable cinematic experience in multiple languages. Stay tuned for more