Tech Revolution in Healthcare: Telangana to Host Pioneering C4IR in Hyderabad


Telangana is leading the way in health technology and life sciences with the upcoming Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) in Hyderabad. The Chief Minister, A Revanth Reddy, signed the agreement with World Economic Forum (WEF) president Borge Brende during the WEF Annual Conference in Davos, Switzerland. Hyderabad was chosen as the C4IR location during last year’s conference.

Launching on February 28 as part of the BioAsia-2024 conference, C4IR will harness technology to improve the state’s healthcare. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy emphasized the government’s commitment to delivering top-notch healthcare services, technology, and a good life for all. The goal is to transform Telangana into a global health tech hub, extending services to rural areas.

Accompanying the Chief Minister in Davos, IT and Industries Minister D Sridhar Babu highlighted the government’s determination. The C4IR in Hyderabad aims to be the world’s first healthcare hub, creating jobs and fostering collaboration between the government and small-to-medium enterprises. Dr. Shyam Bishen from WEF sees Telangana at the forefront of health tech and life sciences, anticipating enhanced service delivery and technological innovations. The Centre is set to commence operations in Hyderabad in February.


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