Actress Yami Gautam on Monday turned nostalgic while shooting for her forthcoming film Bhoot Police in the city. Jaisalmer holds a special place in her heart because this is where she began shooting for a television show 11 years ago.
Yami shared a photo of herself from the sets of her upcoming film on the Instagram account and wrote: “This is where 11 years back I started my journey as an actor, in the stunning Jaisalmer! The memories of shooting my introduction scene are still fresh, which marked my brief stint in television! Life has come about a full circle it feels! I stand here at the same spot with my heart brimmed with nostalgia & gratitude #Bhootpolice.”
Jaisalmer happens to be the location of the final schedule of the horror-comedy Bhoot Police. Earlier, the unit filmed portions across locations in Himachal Pradesh, besides Mumbai.
Directed by Pavan Kirpalani, the horror-comedy also stars Saif Ali Khan, Jacqueline Fernandez, Arjun Kapoor, and Jaaved Jaaferi.