The BJP lead Central Government is continuously batting for its Prime Minister Narendra Modi. To cover the new allegations on Modi, they now released his daily schedule to end the rumors for once and forever.
The day India astonished with the brutal attack of Pulwama which consumed many soldiers, Prime Minister Modi was trolled for his late response. The Congress spokesperson Surjewala revoked this issue by slamming Modi in a Press meet alleging the latter was irresponsible and not eligible for the role of Prime Minister as he is having tea and snacks happily during the time of attacks. To counter this, the Prime Minister Office released the schedule of 14th February to defend the PM. according to it, Modi left Delhi at 7 AM in the morning and reached Dehradun and then to Jim Corbett around 11:15 AM. He inaugurated Tiger Safari, Eco-Tourism Zone and Rescue Centre and stayed there due to bad weather. At the same time, the Pulwama attack took place and being in the Guesthouse, PM immediately contacted the National Security Agency and inquired about the attacks.
The Central Government also declared that Modi hesitated to take anything due to the attacks as he completely focused on the issue. Quashing the rumors of BJP’s rivals, the Government officials also refuted the rumor that Modi is acting for a special movie taken by the Discovery Channel and revealed that no channel ever contacted PM for any movie or documentary.