China’s rainstorms forced over 9,700 people to flee


As rainstorms slammed China, almost 9,700 people had to flee.

Following heavy rainstorms in southwest China’s Chongqing municipality, over 9,700 residents were evacuated, according to local authorities. The rainstorms affected 41 towns and neighborhoods, with the Wanzhou district experiencing a record-breaking maximum daily rainfall of 227 mm, as reported by the local meteorological service. The downpours resulted in the damage or collapse of dozens of houses and affected over 300 hectares of crops, as stated by the emergency management bureau of Wanzhou District.

china's rainstorms forced over 9,700 people to flee
1,700 rescuers mobilized by the Wanzhou District’s headquarters on flood control and drought relief

The evacuation process began in the early hours of Friday, involving more than 1,700 rescuers mobilized by the Wanzhou District’s headquarters on flood control and drought relief. The heavy rainfall ceased around 6 p.m. on Friday, and efforts such as water pumping and dredging are currently being carried out as part of the post-rainstorm response.

To summarize, a significant number of residents were evacuated in Chongqing due to heavy rainstorms, leading to property damage and crop loss. The local authorities and rescue teams are actively engaged in post-storm operations to mitigate the impact and restore normalcy in the affected areas.


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