Harish-KTR Bonding, A Boon To The TRS Camp


The speculations stating that there exists a cold rivalry between the two powerful TRS leaders KTR and Harish Rao has been completely rubbed off with their today’s meet. More details of this celebrations meet of this duo as follows Even though these two publicly displayed their affection on each other many times, some section of TRS cadre still thinks that all is not well between these two potential number two’s of the party. However, post the stupendous win, Harish and KTR congratulated each other on their record majorities. Today, the Sircilla MLA came all the way to Hyderabad to meet and greet his cousin KTR on his success. Post their cordial meeting and family time, Harish Rao once again praised KTR’s success and praised his leadership qualities. He pledged to develop the Telangana State by working together under the leadership and guidance of their boss KCR.Some months ago, KTR openly claimed that he doesn’t feel Harish as his competitor as he feels that after the Chief KCR, it is Harish Rao who comes next to his father in the party hierarchy. It is good to see the positive bonding between these two most powerful leaders of TRS for some cadre to rub off their speculations and thoughts. Now there shall be no groups inside the party and they can work together without any doubts.


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