Ram Charan and Janhvi Kapoor have kickstarted the shoot for their upcoming film ‘RC 16’. A special pooja ceremony was already held In March 20. It was attended by Chiranjeevi, Upasana Konidela, along with the film’s . Ram Charan (RC16 )Upcoming Tollywood Movie .
The pooja ceremony of Ram Charan and Janhvi Kapoor’s upcoming film ‘RC 16’ was held today, March 20. The grand event was not only attended by the film’s cast and crew, but also by megastar Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan’s wife, Upasana Kamineni Konidela. AR Rahman, also graced the pooja ceremony. Several video clips from the ceremony were shared on social media.
Movie Name | Ram Charan (# RC16 ) |
Directed By | Buchi Babu Sana |
Written By | Buchi Babu Sana |
Produced By | Venkata Satish Kilaru |
Starring By | Ram Charan |
Janhvi Kapoor | |
Music By | AR.Rahman |
Edited By | Antony Ruben |
Cinematography | R.Rathnavelu |
Release Date | To Be Announce |
Country | India |
Languages | Telugu |
Rc 16 Movie Release Date to be Announced.Starring By Ram Charan and Janhvi Kapoor.
RC 16 Movie Dirceted By Buchi Babu Sana .
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