Tollywood's legendary hero Megastar Chiranjeevi is currently working on the highly anticipated film “Vishvambhara”, directed by the talented young filmmaker Vasishtha. With sky-high expectations...
Tollywood Megastar Chiranjeevi continues to bask in honors. After securing a spot in the prestigious Guinness World Records recently, the iconic actor has now...
Tollywood icon Megastar Chiranjeevi is making waves with his highly anticipated fantasy film "Vishwambhara," directed by Vashishtha and featuring Trisha Krishnan as the heroine....
Everyone is well aware that the sensational industry hit movie "Indra," starring our legendary Tollywood hero Megastar Chiranjeevi, was re-released and once again became...
Megastar Chiranjeevi is all set to captivate audiences once again with the highly anticipated film "Vishwambhara," where he stars alongside Trisha. Directed by the...