Kollywood superstar Rajinikanth, who delivered a massive blockbuster with “Jailer” directed by Nelson Dilip Kumar, is gearing up for its highly anticipated sequel. This...
Kollywood superstar Rajinikanth's latest movie "Vettayan" has garnered decent reviews and box office collections, performing slightly better than his previous film "Lal Salaam." However,...
Dussehra is just around the corner, and the excitement for solid movie releases in Tollywood is set to begin tomorrow. While several intriguing films...
Release Date Announced for Rajinikanth's 'Lal Salaam:
Rajinikanth, the iconic actor who recently made a remarkable return with "Jailer," is poised to captivate audiences...
Jailer Now Streaming on OTT Platforms:
Superstar Rajinikanth's latest film, "Jailer," has taken the box office by storm over the past two weeks, fulfilling fans'...
Rajnikanth’s Blockbuster “Jailer” Latest Update:
The iconic superstar Rajinikanth has taken the entertainment world by storm with his latest blockbuster, "Jailer." This action-packed film...
Rajinikanth is currently working on two films, Jailer and Lal Salaam, the latter directed by his daughter Aishwarya Rajinikanth. Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth will...