Young and talented hero Kiran Abbavaram has tasted success with his recent psychological thriller Ka, which impressed audiences and performed well at the box...
The latest sensation, “Ka,” starring Tollywood's young hero Kiran Abbavaram alongside Nayan Sarika, Sandeep, and Sujeeth, has turned into a blockbuster hit, exceeding all...
Rules Ranjann: Kiran Abbavaram's Comedy Entertainer
The much-anticipated Telugu film 'Rules Ranjann,' starring Kiran Abbavaram, will be available on the OTT platform Aha Video starting...
Review of 'Rules Ranjann': Telugu Cinema:
"Rules Ranjann," a Telugu film directed by Rathinam Krishna, has garnered significant attention and anticipation within the Telugu...
Neha's Selection as a Natural Fit: Filmmaker Rathinam Krishna:
When filmmaker Rathinam Krishna selected Neha Shetty as the lead actress for "Rules Ranjan," it was...
Release Date Confirmed for Ranjann's Theatrical Premier:
Kiran Abbavaram, the accomplished actor known for his stellar roles in films like "Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru"...
Watch the Official Trailer for Kiran Abbavaram's 'Rules Ranjann:
Kiran Abbavaram and Neha Shetty, recognized for their captivating films, are getting ready for the...
Release Date Confirmed for 'Rules Ranjann:
Fans of Kiran Abbavaram are eagerly anticipating the release of his highly awaited film, "Rules Ranjann," which stars Neha...
After the 'Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha' Movie, Kiran Abbavaram's coming movie 'Meter' which is directed by Ramesh Kaduri to entertain the audience.
In the movie...