This movie emerged as a massive blockbuster, with Samantha starring opposite Vijay. Following its success, Atlee made his Bollywood directorial debut last year with...
Thalapathy Vijay’s recent blockbuster, The GOAT, directed by Venkat Prabhu, has been making waves at the box office. The action-packed drama became a massive...
Thalapathy Vijay is currently navigating the delicate balance between his burgeoning political endeavors and his flourishing career in the film industry. His upcoming project,...
After months of speculations and rumors, Kollywood's leading star, Thalapathy Vijay, has made a surprising announcement about his entry into politics. Putting an end...
Global Release of Leo on Netflix
Thalapathy Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj's highly anticipated action thriller, Leo, is now streaming worldwide on Netflix. The film, which...
The highly anticipated Tamil action thriller 'Leo,' starring Thalapathy Vijay and directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, is finally set to premiere on the streaming platform...