The Kannada film industry is renowned for the sensational hit franchise "KGF." Directed by Prashanth Neel and featuring Rocking Star Yash as the hero...
Get ready for a musical masterpiece! A.R. Rahman is confirmed to compose the music for the highly-anticipated Bollywood Ramayana adaptation. This epic film will...
Kantara Prequel Takes on Ambitious 400 AD Setting with a Massive Budget:
Following the tremendous success of 'Kantara,' actor-turned-director Rishab Shetty, a prominent figure...
Kannada superstar Yash has declined offers from politicians from parties in Karnataka to take up campaigning for candidates ahead of the May 10 Assembly...
Malayalam superstar Dulquer Salmaan has appreciated the gesture of superstar Yash and thanked him for his hospitality during his shoot in Karnataka's Mysuru.
Mysuru is...