The TDP MP, CM Ramesh has been continuing his indefinite fasting to achieve Steel Plant to Kadapa. Meanwhile, his colleagues went all the way to seek the appointment of Prime Minister to talk about this promised project. As expected, these MPs faced a huge backstab by their ex-alliance partner.To get the maximum promotion to the party, TDP Ministers and MP’s are trying hard to win the next elections. On this note, after failing to fetch the Special Category Status, they are desperate to get the remaining projects to prove their mettle and commitment.
As a part of their fight, MP CM Ramesh entered the ninth day in his indefinite fasting in the capital of India. Due to deteriorating health, other TDP MPs tried their best to get the appointment of PM and requested for one meeting. However, their plea got denied by the PMO straight away without any explanation. Many wonder how come PMO gives appointment to the Opposition MPs but not to the ruling party MPs.Political analysts have a perfect and strong reason for BJP’s acts.
Except for Special Status, the NDA is all set to give away the announced steel plants to the two Telugu States.One in Bayyaram and the other in requirements of raw material, labor, water, land, and power.Already they intimated CM Ramesh’s health condition to the Vice President K.Venkaiah Naidu but the Supreme Modi is staying like a cold-hearted man in the whole issue for his party’s benefits.