Nandyala YCP Member Confirmed


Kurnool district, Nandhyala Assembly constituency sub-election turned out to be an unexpected turn. has announced the party’s vice-presidential candidate as Katasani Rami Reddy who is son in law of Brahmananda Reddy, a native of the party. If he tries for his own son-in-law TDP ticket, not only announces the candidate standing against him, but also tells him that he will work for victory.

YCP gave a kick to the ruling party members by selecting a strong member in Nandhyala Assembly. However, the YCP and TDP have to formulate their strategies in accordance
with local circumstances, but it is difficult for local leaders to make decisions about party.

Gali Janardhan Reddy Son Kireeti Debut As Hero

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Tollywood hero entry is not new to the Telugu audience. but this time the young boy is not from the film background, he is the son of political leader Gali Janardhan Reddy.Wedding of Gali Janardhan Reddy’s daughter was a highlight these days from then the speculation had been started about kireeti tollywood entrance. Kireeti Reddy gave a dance performance in her sister Brahmani’s wedding and attracted viewers.

The recent buzz is that janardhan reddy accepts the secret wish of his son and planned for his Tollywood entry as a hero. Recently we have seen Ex-Prime Minister Devegoud grand daughter Nikhil introduced to Telugu audience with the movie Jagaur. Gali Janardhan Reddy plans his son not only to be introduced in Kannada but also in Telugu.

 Suman To Enter Pawan Kalyan Jana Sena 

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Film actor Suman recently gave an announcement about his interest towards his political entry. but didn’t give any confirmation regarding the interested party.Recently he met Srikaukla district palace MLA Gouthu Shyamsundara Shivaji to know about his health condition. In this meeting, he came out with his ideas on his political entry.
In the matter of Janasena party is trying to select the persons who are the perfect and clean image. To achieve this, Pawan made regular tests to enter in the party lets see how Pawan Kalyan reacts to sumans decision to enter into his party.

Medicinal Benefits Of Water..!!


Water is formed when Hydrogen and Oxygen gasses get combined, which results to form water in liquid state. Water is not only used in our daily life, it can also be used to reduce some health issues.

Throat pain, Transils : take a pinch of salt in hot water and do gargling, There will be the relief.

Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis: Boil water and add some turmeric powder and 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, inhale the steam for better relief.

Headache: Massage with ice cubes on the forehead.

Fever: clean palms and foot with a wet cloth, this can reduce 1 or 2 degrees fever.

Hiccups: drink a glass of hot water slowly.

Dog bite: clean the wound with soap, water should be poured continuously to reduce the chance of attacking rabies.

Skin burn: wet the place to stop burning, to cool the burn area.

Cough: Drink hot water to reduce sputum gargle turmeric water.

Small injuries: wash it with cool water to reduce germs and bacteria, blood will clot at the injury.

Can’t sleep: take bath with cool or warm water.

Body pains: add some salt in hot water and do fomentation.

Pains due to swelling: rub with ice cubes.

Blood from the nose: pour cool water on the head and clean the nose with a wet cloth.

Dental pain: gargle with warm water.

Rheumatism: drinking more water leads to decrease in uric acid.

Eyeball cleaning: dip the eye in a glass of water.

Stones in Kidney: drink the excess of water.

Consuming less water…

Leads to dehydration, headache, tension, tiredness, body pains, dry skin, palm, and feet becomes cool leads to many other diseases.

Timings to drink water:

1 glass of water= approximately 2000 ml

2 glasses of water- after workout or exercise will regulate the body parts.

2 glasses of water-30 mins before lunch or dinner will handles digestion.

2 glasses of water-60 mins after lunch or dinner will help in the digestive system become strong.

2 glasses of water-05 mins before bath helps in reducing bp.

2 glasses of water in empty stomach reduce acidity.

Water consumption daily:

a person daily consumption should be 2.5approximately

Changes In Body After Fasting..


The early sayings are that fasting is very helpful to our Human body. Changes occur in the body for even one-day fasting can be known below.
Increase in Life Expectancy
Insulin acceptance in body increases
Glucose quantity in blood level increases
increase the capacity to hold pressure and diseases
concentration and brain functionality increases
controlling hungry develops
High blood pressure
swelling consistencies will lower
fat burns in the body
burns unwanted cholesterol in the body
oxidative strip decreases
cancer levels reduces
autoimmune problems gets reduced

12 Good Foods Which Reduce Cholesterol


Usage of small quantity of turmeric powder in daily eatables is good for health. It reduces bad cholesterol and controls blood pressure. Heart attacks reduce.

If the food is digested completely then only we get energy. Cardamom improves the digestion problems in the body and also reduces cholesterol.

If mirchi is added in food, it helps to use the calories faster which will control the cholesterol.

Curry leaves
Curry leaves helps in reducing weight. it cleans toxins and bad cholesterol from the body, if eaten raw or as juice daily.

Antibacterial acids in garlic reduce fat. Garlic is so called as fat burning reduces bad cholesterol and maintains high blood pressure.

Olive oil
Olive oil when compared to sunflower oil and ground nut oil is costly and anti-oxidants are very useful.

Cabbage is useful for reducing weight. Daily cabbage eating can reduce the cholesterol levels in the body.

Calcium, potassium, and iron levels are more in moong dal. moreover vitamins a, b ,c ,e, proteins, and fiber

Honey reduces obesity. More energy with less time, daily consumption of honey improves active

Butter Milk
Buttermilk, when compared to milk, gives less fat and more calories. so buttermilk is better than milk in producing more calories with less fat.


dalls which contain maximum fiber is bajra.bajra roti helps to get ore fiber.

12.Cinnamon, cloves

Indian traditional foods comprise of cinnamon and cloves, it has highly medicinal values. it reduces diabetes and cholesterol.

Relation Between Heatred and Health…


How do our feelings relate to our health? Smiling and crying will be related to our health in the following way…

  • Angriness will damage the liver in our body.
  • Sadness and mourning will lower the functioning of lungs.
  • Excitement will damage stomach part.
  • Pressure will damage Heart and brain.
  • Fear will lead to damage in Kidneys.
  • Love and peace will help in making brain and heart stronger.
  • Smiling reduces pressure.
  • The smile makes happiness in life.

Stress Reducing Tips


1 . Give Yourself at least 60 minutes a day.
2. Keep the focus on your stress. When to get out of excitement? When to be peaceful!
3. Remember that daily meditation can reduce your stress
4. Make sure that fruits and vegetables should be included in your food. meat should be avoided.
5. Forgiveness is better than fiction and learns to realize that compassion is better than forgiveness.
6. Learn how to think and how long to think about one thing!
7. Smile always and share your feelings with others!
8. Keep an eye on what you are stressed and meditate on. Learn the same for the second time and avoid using it again!
9. Pre-assess yourself about you! Stop predicting others
10. Think Positive. Get pleasure from it
11. Avoid alcohol and drug addiction. Learn to meditate and learn to think that it affects your behavior!
12. Take care of money. Learn to spend at least 10 percent of the money for good activities!
13. I can’t do, I don’t Know and I don’t want are to be avoided
14. Go out with friends and relatives, traveling to picnics makes you feel less stressed!
15. Know that your favorite music is less stress than TV!
16. Smoking is not only to improve stress but to kill you!
17. Enhances the bonds, save, listen more, speak less!
18. Experience everything; But do not be addicted to anything!
19. Fasting once a week; Morning Sunrise; Learn to see the sunset in the evenings!
20. Learn from the perspective of not only yours but also others
21. Learn to give a reply after the complete survey.
22. Do not worry about your concerns, either good or bad.
23. Plan for what to achieve next year!
24. Every day you know that Lord Bhagavan is a gift given to you. Laugh. You know that this is a beautiful painting in the world!
25. Make Yoga, Exercise.

Rahul Gandhi Gives Zero Score For Modi Government

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Rahul Gandhi Gives Zero Score For Modi Government In Creating Jobs

Rahul Gandhi stands first on the persons who ignores Narendra Modi. He even gave score zero to Modi’s part of creating jobs to the youth. He also threatens that Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Government has failed to create job opportunities for the youth of the nation.
Rahul Gandhi said that central government became an utter flop in creating employment to youth, not even scored 40 pass mark. Not advertising their schemes
but should actively participate in implementing the schemes.

Master Plan Behind Rohit Shetty Phone Call

Master Plan Behind Rohit Shetty Phone Call

Prabhas fans who are in the enjoyment about baahubali 2 success are getting good news. Moreover, another good news to fans is Sahoo is also a big deal. Salman Khan, one of the Bollywood superstars doing multi starer with Young Rebel Star in the direction of Mass director Rohit Shetty.

It’s been buzzing that Rohit Shetty had a phone call to a regional channel Telugu Bullet. by watching the balanced news about the response for Baahubali 2 movie in Telugu Bullet, he tried o convince the news as fake. His movie multi starer with Prabhas and Salman combo movie plans would be out. This may be the main reason for his response phone call to a regional website Telugu Bullet.