WhatsApp Levels Up Your Chats: Get Creative with New Text Formatting Options!


Tired of plain text messages? WhatsApp is spicing things up with four new ways to format your words! Mark Zuckerberg himself announced these features, designed to “refine your messages” and make your chats stand out.

Ready to ditch the boring and embrace the bold? Here’s what you get:

  • List Like a Pro: Need to share shopping lists or key takeaways? Bullet points and numbered lists are your new best friends. Just add a “-” or a number followed by a dot before your text.
  • Quote It Right: Got a killer quote or want to highlight important info? Block quotes let it shine. Simply start your text with a “>”.
  • Code With Confidence: Sharing code snippets or technical info? Use the “`” symbol before and after your code for clear distinction.

These features join the existing formatting options (bold, italic, strikethrough, monospace) to give you ultimate control over your message presentation.

So go forth, chat freely, and express yourself like never before!


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