Yogi Adhithyanath Gorakhpur Incident
Yogi Adhithyanath Gorakhpur Incident: U.P CM Yogi Adithyanadh is known for sensations. He has become famous for his work in two months after becoming CM. Yogi has become more famous more than Modi. He is an expert in development, and in participating in new works. Now Yogi involved in the tragedy of Gorakhpur Kids. After this incident like other politicians, he also started to give lectures. He also said people also have to be aware. People started questioning, What is the use of electing them?
This issue may spoil the Yogi’s image. With in a month, hundreds of children died in Gorakhpur government hospital. But there no serious reaction of government on the incident and blamed people for this. With this kind of comments, people started thinking that Yogi is not a different leader. And he is same as other people.
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