At midnight on Friday, some assailants abducted the SBI ATM Unit (Mission), which is surrounded by Armed police headquarters in Srikakulam district Etcherla.
Customers who came to draw money found ATM mission was missing and shocked. Locals were contacted, the bank staff.
SBI bank staff complained to Etcherla police.
Evidence has emerged that the police had cracked CCTV cameras inside the ATM and dug up the mission.
According to bank officials at the ATM, 8 lakh 23 thousand cash.
It is suspected that the mission carried out after the ATM tried to steal money.
The police say that the mission is not the work of each other.
Footage of CC cameras surrounding the ATM is being registered.
Etcherla ( Srikakulam): SBI ATM unit stolen near Armed police headquarters