Mudragada New Party Against AP Political Parties


YSRCP head Jagan’s revelations regarding BC Reservations stirred a huge Political uproar among the AP Political leaders. Apart from the wrath of BC Communities, he is facing doldrums from the renowned BC Leader Mudragada Padmanabham.After opposing his ex-boss Chandrababu Naidu, Mudragada Padmanabham decided to fight alone independent to any Political party to get the reservations for his community.

From conducting the biggest BC Public Meeting ever in the town of Tuni, he has been relentlessly fighting for the reservations and is optimistic over any Politician to get it from the Centre. As CBN cheated him and his community, Mudragada pinned huge hopes on Opposition Party YSRCP. With Jagan’s dual stand on this issue, he lost his cool and declared that he will float his own party to fight with the State and Central Government regarding the reservations. For a leader who is unable to win as an MLA can float a new party for their community and use the same trump card to contest in some regions which are overpopulated with his own people. But the chance of winning more seats is a difficult task.

His anger on CBN and Jagan is making Mudragada launch a new party and maximum of BCs would vote for his party. But this might affect the sensational party Janasena which is also banking on BC vote bank. Mudragada might or might not win some seats in East Godavari but he would dent Janasena hugely in the upcoming elections. One has to wait and see if Mudragada really floats a new party or not.


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