Trump releases John F.Kennedy assassination files!


Trump releases John F.Kennedy assassination files!

As promised, US President Donald Trump has released classified files related to former President John F. Kennedy. The White House has released over 2, 8000 files related to the JFK’s assassination and stated that few files are kept temporarily secret, given the sensitive information that could cause some security concerns.

trump releases john f.kennedy assassination files‘I have no choice today, but to work with the agencies allowing them 180 days to review each and every file, and possibly remove any sensitive information that could cause security concerns. It is better to allow those redactions rather than allowing potentially harmful threats to our nation’s security’.

trump releases john f.kennedy assassination filesWith the classification of files, many people started looking out for new clues and lead over the assassination of the former US President. Trump also stated that, after the period of 180 days, he would disclose all the files don’t meet the legal standards for continued postponement.

trump releases john f.kennedy assassination filesIt is believed that Oswald, the gunman behind the shooting of John F. Kennedy wasn’t the only one who is involved in the assassination of the former president on Nov 1963. There have been a lot of fueled rumors and conspiracy theories that have been circulated after the former US Marine (Oswald) was shot and killed by Jack Ruby, a restaurant owner. Few conspiracy theorists claimed that the US Government knew more about the assassination, and was hiding the facts from the public.

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