The Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee Chairman Raghuveera Reddy has opened up on various issues regarding the Congress party in the State. From Kiran to Chiru, he revealed stunning things to revive the party in Bifurcated AP.This ex-Minister who enjoyed the power under late YSR has been waiting eagerly to bounce back in the State where there is no single seat in Assembly. Talking to a Telugu Media Channel’s elaborate interview, Raghuveera Reddy declared that APCC is slowly strengthening up and it will again sit in the Assembly after 2019 elections.
Refuting the speculations that he will leave the party if the former CM Kiran re-joins, Raghuveera Reddy stated that he has no issues with Kiran Kumar Reddy and in fact, he should have joined the party a year before. On the same note, Raghuveera revealed that his head Rahul Gandhi initiated calling back the leaders since 2015 itself. This ex-Minister hesitated to call YSRCP and named it as Jagan Party as he firmly believes that YSR is, was and will be a Congressman in his view. This intelligent APCC head maintained his silence on Janasena by saying that one has to wait and see until the results of next elections.
Raghuveera Reddy threw a stunning piece of information, especially for the TV Viewers. He claimed that the star campaigner Chiranjeevi would come to campaign for Congress in the last two months prior to the elections. Stating the fact that Chiru has promised Rahul to campaign at the right time, Reddy declared that Chiru is still in AP Congress. If this is true, then every mega fan would be perplexed to vote either for Janasena or Congress.