Janasena Party Slowly Becoming Like PRP-2


The most hyped party among the Public Janasena which raised the hope of bringing change is no currently getting unwanted bad talk due to the acts of its Chief Pawan Kalyan. Looking at the recent developments and the way the head Pawan Kalyan is commenting, its own supporters are now worried about the fame of the party.Janasena under the leadership of Pawan Kalyan made it to get the attention of Public and almost got famous by its philosophies. The party appeared like it can fill the void for those who are vexed with the traditional Politicians in Andhra Pradesh. In such time, the Chief Pawan Kalyan who claimed to rule AP only with the new blood started taking old leaders into the party.

In parallel, he is also backing his decisions by declaring that he cannot go in a new direction and change the AP overnight so he needs to follow the conventional Politics if it is necessary. Slowly, the analysts feel that Janasena is transforming like PRP which ended up as a disaster in 2009. PRP when launched too got the maximum buzz and attention due to the good name of Chiranjeevi. Later the party became diluted with coverts and backstabbers and the haters became successful in elevating these points out in the media.Political experts now warn Pawan Kalyan to look over at the party and his recent speeches to do a retrospection to save the party. Or else, there is a great danger to this new party such that it may end up even worse than PRP in 2019 elections.


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